BIM-style Software Program to Track the Bridge Health using BIM

BIM-style software program will use for monitoring the condition of bridges, being develop by Zhigang Shen, a professor at the University of Nebraska’s School of Architectural Engineering and Construction.

3D model of real-life bridge structures which creates in exacting detail based on data amassed via on-site inspections by BIM-style program. The software used to enables aspects of a bridge to be incorporated into single, easy-to-access simulation and the huge welter of data concerning the myriad components and, vastly expediting the monitoring process for transportation officials and inspectors as commented by Shen.

BIM-style Software Program to Track the Bridge Health using BIM

According to Mr. Shen the software’s ability to:

1) Incorporate multiple-aspect data into a 3D model makes it ideal for bridge inventory management.

2) The 3D bridge model can be created which enables users to access information relating to bridge conditions in a variety of formats simply by clicking on a specific component within the visual simulation, as opposed to fossicking through a trove of files consisting of dense numerical data which can be hard to comprehend.

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