10 Essential Contract Documents for a Successful Construction Projects
The very first foundation of a successful project is the construction of a perfect contract. This contract is a must irrespective of the type of building and client. A perfect construction contract consists of a good 10 documents specifying different aspects of the work
1. Construction contract agreement:
A construction agreement is a primary agreement between the contractor and the client. The client may be the owner of any private property or designated person for a business.
2. Construction schedule:
The next most important document after the construction agreement is the construction schedule. This gives the client a fair idea of how and when the project will be completed in detail. This also forms the basis of an application for payments by the contractor. The schedule gives the client leverage when the schedule problem arises.
3. Scope of work:

This document is also known as the statement of work. In this, all the details of work to be done, the person responsible for the work and how the work is to be done is specified. Also, in many cases the techniques to be used in the due course is mentioned.
4. General conditions:
The general condition on the whole construction sets forth the rights, liabilities, and relationship of both the parties. It also states the legal framework for the overall construction along with the stipulation to solve any dispute.
5. Special conditions:
This is an addendum to the general conditions. The document specifies certain conditions and clauses that pertain to specific portions of the job.
6. Specifications:
As the name suggests this document is the list of all technical specifications of the construction. The document should contain all the details of materials and techniques to be used. If any changes are required in due course of construction, it must be done under the scope of work section.
7. Bill of quantities:
This section holds all details of trades and materials needed for the construction. This includes a list of materials, cost of the same and quantities required. It also consists of a labor estimate. This document lets a contractor to properly bid on the project. The document is not mandatory and can be omitted if the contractor chooses for it.
8. Cost estimate:
This document is a detailed breakdown of all the material required for the construction of the project. The cost of the materials can be recorded in per item form or in lump sum form that does not specify individual items.
9. Drawings:
All contracts should include the drawing of the project in concern. It might also include the actual blueprint of the project. Also, it may include more than one simpler drawing for graphic representation of the details of the project.
10. Construction insurance coverage:
The primary concern for the client of a construction project is its insurance. This document is not always mandatory. If included, it provides a mandate to the constructor to provide every material to be used mentioned before and also to complete all the tasks promised. This document safeguards the interest of the client.
These are the basic construction documents required for a good construction contract agreement between the constructor and the client for the protection of interest of both the parties. If both the party chooses to include more documents for their own interest they may.