Cost Estimate Calculation Worksheet Download


Calculating Closure Costs


Table 5.2 can be used to calculate closure cost estimates for landfills for which site specific data are available. The table is designed to be executed as a computer spreadsheet, but will work equally as well using hand calculations.


The following procedures may be utilized to reach the estimated closure cost:


· Input site specific quantities from Table 5.1 into Table 5.2, making sure the requisite units are used. Some
quantities are already given by the table.



Multiply the value input for quantity by the multiplier and unit cost given by the table, and enter the resultant value in the subtotal column to compute values for Tasks/Services listed in Items 1 through 4.


· Add subtotals for Task/Service Items 1 through 4 to determine a Subtotal for Task/Services, and enter the sum as the value Item 5.


· Compute Administrative Services, Technical and Professional Services and Closure Contingency costs, Items 6, 7 and 8, by multiplying the Subtotal (Item 5) by the multiplier for each respective Item. Enter the resultant values.


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